Volta a vir
Public Work

Azores Islands


video HD 8 min 6 sec

Walk and Talk

Material: Wicker, plastic bottles, sisal, volcanic stone -

In collaboration with Julien Fargetton


Photography by Rui Soares and big help from Montse Serrado

A Sculpture created on the Azores Islands in collaboration with artist Julien Fargetton and local Azorean craftsmen and fishermen. The work is inspired by the volcanic island which shelters several endemic plant/animal species. The object was produced using materials that are only found on this specific island. Composed of a wicker processed from willows that have been boiled in a volcano, rope made from sisal, and a ballast volcanic stone. It also contains two plastic bottles emptied and filled with breath from Julien and Brad. This organic object is finally placed 5 meters deep in the Ocean on the edge of the "Bay of Lagoa". Let the decomposition begin.